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The End of Wet Surprises: This Diaper Won't Swell Up

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Judes Baby auf Papas Schultern windel quilt über

Photo by @isabelplett


Every parent knows that moment when you realize your baby's diaper is overflowing again. It's not just a little mess – it can also be very uncomfortable for your child. Admittedly, constant changing and doing the laundry is not a joy for you either. But why does this actually happen?

Why does my child's diaper overflow? Your child's diaper is probably overflowing because it is either too full and has reached its maximum absorbency. Perhaps it also does not fit properly. In both cases, gaps or insufficient absorbency can lead to fluids leaking out. It's important to choose the right diaper size and to make regular diaper changes to prevent this issue.

In this article, we will explain the causes of leaking diapers and show why Judes cloth diapers offer an easy and leak-proof solution.

Why Does the Diaper Overflow? - The Most Common Reasons

Before we explore the solution for overflowing diapers, it's helpful to understand why diapers leak in the first place. The following points are the most common culprits:

The Wrong Diaper Size

Diapers that are too small or too large do not fit properly and therefore do not provide adequate protection against leaks. The wrong size can also lead to pressure marks or skin irritation, which means additional stress for you and your baby.

Insufficient Absorbency

Disposable diapers that cannot absorb enough liquid quickly become overstuffed. This happens especially often at night or after rest periods, when the diaper is not changed over an extended period of time.

Problematic Fit

The shape of the diaper can also be a factor. If it does not seal well around the legs and back, gaps can form. This allows liquid to leak out before it can be absorbed by the diaper.

So it’s clear that the right diaper product involves multiple factors: size, absorbency, and fit must be correct to prevent overflow. But don’t worry, there is a solution that meets all these criteria.

Judes cloth diaper cover inner diaper on blanket diaper overflowing

Photo by @anni.und.die.bande

Cloth Diapers as a Sustainable and Leak-Proof Alternative

If you've ever thought about making the switch to cloth diapers, there's now one more reason to take the leap. Cloth diapers are not just a sustainable choice, but they can also effectively solve the annoying problem of diaper overflow. Here's why:

Environmentally Friendly

First and foremost: cloth diapers are reusable and therefore much more environmentally friendly than disposable diapers, which end up in the trash after just one use. By choosing cloth diapers, you actively contribute to environmental protection and simultaneously model values such as sustainability and mindfulness to your child.


Cloth diapers are made from natural materials such as cotton or bamboo, which are gentler on sensitive baby skin. They contain fewer to no chemicals and fragrances, which can cause skin irritations or allergies.


Cloth diapers are designed to offer excellent absorbency and fit. Cotton absorbs liquids much more quickly than the blend of plastic and chemicals found in disposable diapers. For this reason, cloth diapers maintain such a good seal, even against the explosive stools of breastfed babies. With a little practice and the right tips, your baby will be able to sleep and play in a leak-proof diaper, while you worry less about sudden "accidents."

However, just using cloth diapers is no guarantee that they will be leak-proof. So: How do you ensure your cloth diapers don't overflow? In the next section, we provide you with helpful tips on this.


Diaper Overflow – Tips for Leak-Proof Cloth Diapers

Switching to cloth diapers is a smart move, but like all new things, there's a learning curve. Don't worry, with the following tips, overflowing cloth diapers will soon be a thing of the past, or may not even become an issue at all:

Choosing the Right Size

Just like with disposable diapers, the size is critical. Many cloth diapers are adjustable in size, so you can fit them to your child's needs. Make sure the diaper fits well but is not too tight to avoid pressure marks or skin irritations. Cloth diapers should sit at the level of the hips. Additionally, you should be able to fit two fingers comfortably between the diaper and the belly.

Using Additional Inserts

Some cloth diapers offer the option of adding extra inserts for more absorbency. This is particularly handy for overnight or long outings.

Regular Diaper Changes

Even the most absorbent diaper has its limits. To prevent overflow, regular diaper changes are important. A fresh diaper can work wonders especially after waking up or a meal. Additionally, these are good times to offer your child elimination communication, hence teaching them to release into the toilet, potty, or another receptacle.

Correct Application

Make sure that the diaper is properly put on and seals well around the legs and back. A proper fit is crucial to prevent leaks.

With these tips, you are well-equipped to make your time using cloth diapers leak-proof. However, if you are looking for the optimal solution, you should definitely check out Judes cloth diapers at Judes.

Judes – Our Diaper Doesn't Overflow

After testing various cloth diaper systems as parents and becoming quite frustrated, we developed Judes. We wanted a cloth diaper that is sustainable, highly absorbent, leak-proof, and above all, easy to use. You might wonder why you should choose Judes cloth diapers. The answer is simple: They combine all the advantages you would expect from an ideal diaper.

Highly Absorbent Inner Diaper

Judes cloth diapers feature an extremely absorbent inner diaper made of 100 percent organic cotton. This ensures that liquid is efficiently absorbed, minimizing the risk of diaper overflow. You can also be sure that your baby will stay dry and comfortable. Whether during the day or at night, Judes diapers remain leak-proof for up to twelve hours!

Flexible Cuffs

Another highlight is the flexible cuffs at the legs and back. They ensure a superb fit and seal securely to prevent leaks. At the same time, they provide enough freedom of movement for your active child, as they adapt perfectly to your child's body shape.

Simple Application

And the best part: Judes cloth diapers are as easy to use as disposable diapers – perhaps even easier. No complicated folding techniques or additional steps are necessary to diaper your child. Just put on the diaper, close it, and you're good to go!

Opt for Sustainable and Safe Cloth Diapers from Judes

Diapers that overflow are a thing of the past thanks to Judes. With their high absorbency, flexible fit, and easy handling, they offer everything you need for a worry-free everyday life with your baby. On top of that, you get the priceless advantage of actively contributing to sustainability. Try it out and experience the difference!

Judes mother baby outside clothesline detergent diaper overflows

Photo by @antonia_natascha

="_blank" data-mce-href="/en/blogs/academy/schneller-windelfrei-mit-stoffwindeln-unsere-studie-ist-eindeutig">become diaper-free sooner. The reason for this is the wetness feedback that cloth diapers provide. Unlike disposable diapers, the child notices as soon as they wet the cloth diaper, which leads to an earlier understanding of bodily processes. Therefore, disposable diapers automatically result in an extended diapering period, which means increased costs for purchasing new diapers.

Cost Breakdown for Disposable Diapers

Let's first consider disposable diapers: On average, a baby needs about six to ten diapers per day. The use of disposable diapers can cost between 45 and 75 euros per month, depending on how many are needed. These costs only include the diapers themselves and do not account for expenses related to wet wipes, diaper pails, and the like.

Cost Breakdown for Cloth Diapers

When using cloth diapers, an initial investment is required, which can vary depending on the brand and model. On average, you can expect costs between 300 and 500 euros for a complete set. This is in addition to the cost of washing, which is, however, small compared to the expenses for disposable diapers.

The Calculation Makes It Clear

In the first year of life, the costs for disposable diapers could easily rise to over 600 euros and could reach more than 1,200 euros by the end of the diapering period. In comparison, there are the one-time purchase costs and the low ongoing washing costs of cloth diapers. The savings are therefore quite clear. In our article “What Do Diapers Cost? A Comparison of Cloth Diapers and Disposable Diapers” we take a closer look at the costs of cloth and disposable diapers.

Bonus: Resale Value

Additionally, there's a bonus point: cloth diapers often have a good resale value. So you can recoup part of your initial investment when the diapering days are over – a benefit that disposable diapers definitely do not offer.

It's clear: cloth diapers are not only the more sustainable and skin-friendly choice, but also the more cost-effective option. Another reason why Judes cloth diapers are the ideal choice for conscious and forward-thinking parents.

Still not convinced? Then Judes offers you two unbeatable options to be persuaded.

Firstly, you can opt for our Trial Set. The set includes everything you need to learn how to handle cloth diapers: one inner diaper, one cover, and five sheets of Poo Paper. Moreover, we offer a satisfaction guarantee on our trial set. If you are not convinced, you can return the set within the first 100 days and get a full refund.

Alternatively, we also offer Judes as a Rental Package. On our site, you will find four different rental sets that will equip you for everyday cloth diapering according to your needs. The rental set can be canceled at any time, so you remain completely flexible.

Become part of the Judes Family today and help us make the world a better place!


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