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Gentle Umbilical Cord Care for Your Newborn: How to Properly Apply Diapers

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Judes Baby wickeln Windel unter dem Nabel


Perhaps the birth of a child is imminent, or your family has already welcomed a new member: congratulations! In this beautiful and challenging time, there are many decisions to make. One of these involves the choice of diaper for your newborn and especially the question that many new parents ponder: Should the diaper be worn over or under the navel?

Should the diaper sit over or under the navel? The decision on whether the diaper should sit over or under the navel depends on various factors, including the type of diaper and the condition of the navel. However, it is generally recommended to position the diaper under the navel to allow for better air circulation and to minimize the risk of a navel infection.

Join us on this informative journey that provides you with valuable tips for the early days with your newborn.

The First Days with Your Newborn

The first days with your child are full of excitement, joy, but also many new challenges. The navel, the remnant of the umbilical cord, which nourished your baby for nine months, is one of the first topics you will encounter as parents. It is more than just a piece of skin and tissue; it is a sensitive area that requires attentive care.

The proper navel care is crucial, as it helps to avoid infections and ensures faster healing. In these first days, you must decide what type of diapers you want to use and how to best position them to optimally support the healing process of the navel.

The big question here is: Should the diaper be worn over or under the navel? This decision could have more implications than you might think, especially when it comes to the type of diapers you choose.

Judes Baby lap mom outside diaper over or under navel

Photo by @madame.vio

Should the Diaper Sit Over or Under the Navel?

You might currently be asking yourself: Which diapers are actually best for my baby? Especially in the first weeks, you should also keep navel care in mind when making this decision. There are two options: the diaper over or under the navel that hasn't fallen off yet.

Both options have their pros and cons:

  • Diaper over the navel: Some parents prefer to fasten the diaper over the navel because it offers more security and stability. However, this can lead to a moist environment with less breathable materials, as used in many disposable diapers, increasing the risk of navel infection. This is especially true if the navel comes into contact with urine or stool.
  • Diaper under the navel: This option leaves the navel free and allows for better air circulation, which can promote the healing process. The navel stays drier, reducing the risk of infection. However, a disadvantage might be that the diaper sits less stably and may slip more frequently.

The question Diaper over or under the navel? is therefore not just a matter of personal preference, but also has medical and practical reasons.


Traditional Disposable Diapers vs. Cloth Diapers

The decision for the right type of diaper is not only a matter of comfort but also has a direct impact on the navel care of your baby. Let's consider the two main options: traditional disposable diapers and cloth diapers.

Traditional Disposable Diapers:

  • Material: Disposable diapers are made from synthetic fibers that are less breathable.
  • Moisture Build-up: They can create a moist environment, which can increase the risk of a navel infection, especially if the diaper is worn over the navel.
  • Chemicals: Disposable diapers contain additional chemicals and fragrances that can cause skin irritations and allergic reactions.
  • Waste: Another disadvantage is the high amount of waste, which burdens the environment. Disposable diapers end up in the trash after a single use because they cannot be reused. But the growing landfills are not the only problem. Disposable diapers are incinerated in hazardous waste because they do not decompose. Even after incineration, a toxic residue remains, which is stored in former mines and continues to harm our environment.

Cloth Diapers:

  • Material: Typically made from natural fibers like cotton or bamboo, which are more breathable and allow for better air circulation.
  • Navel Care: They usually sit significantly lower than disposable diapers, leaving the navel free. Some newborn diapers can also be folded down at navel height to create a cutout for the navel.
  • Chemical-Free: Cloth diapers do not contain additional chemicals and fragrances, which prevents skin irritations and allergies.
  • Sustainability: They are reusable and environmentally friendly, aligning with the principles of sustainability and mindfulness.

The comparison suggests that cloth diapers offer some crucial advantages in navel care. However, that's by far not all that cloth diapers have to offer.

Judes mom and baby with dog at the clothesline

Photo by @antonia_natascha

Why Cloth Diapers Are Better for Navel Care

When it comes to the well-being of your baby, health naturally comes first. And this is where cloth diapers really shine.


Cloth diapers are made from natural materials like cotton that allow air to pass through excellently. This promotes a dry skin environment around the navel and accelerates the natural healing process.

Natural Materials

Compared to often chemically treated disposable diapers, cloth diapers are free from allergens and irritants. This means less irritation and more comfort for your baby's sensitive skin, especially in the navel area.

Easy Handling

Cloth diapers are generally more flexible and easier to put on, allowing the navel to remain uncovered. This enables better breathing for the navel and simplifies its regular checking and cleaning.

Mindfulness and Sustainability

By choosing cloth diapers, you make a conscious decision for the environment. The reusability of cloth diapers conserves resources and reduces waste, which aligns with the concept of mindfulness. Per child, you can save up to a ton of diaper waste, as that is the amount disposable diapers accumulate until a child becomes potty trained.

The advantages of cloth diapers thus extend far beyond navel care. They not only make it easier to answer the question Diaper over or under the navel? but also offer a sustainable and healthy option for your new phase of life as parents.

Judes parents are also convinced that our cloth diapers are the right choice from birth:

"The best cloth diapers!!! Super easy to put on, and my child finds the Judes more comfortable than all other cloth diapers. They hold extremely well, I've had no leaks so far, and we have been using Judes since birth. The diapers can be washed well and dry very quickly. A simple diaper system for every baby and suitable for cloth diaper beginners."
(Rebekka Weinrich)

"We have been using Judes cloth diapers for a year now, and we are absolutely thrilled. We started right after birth and are so glad to have found this great system. We haven't used a single disposable diaper since."
(Denise Roßberg)

Additional Tips for Navel Care

You now know that cloth diapers are the better choice for you and your baby. Let us provide you with some general tips and advice on caring for your newborn's navel.

Do you need to cream or powder the navel?

In general, it is recommended to simply keep the navel clean and dry. In most cases, it is not necessary to use creams or powders, as these can trap moisture, potentially increasing the risk of infection. Additionally, a baby's skin has the natural ability to regenerate itself from the start. This ability can be impaired by creams and powders.

When does the navel usually fall off?

The umbilical stump usually dries out within a week after birth and then falls off on its own. However, in some cases, it can take up to three weeks. Do not worry about this, just keep an eye on the navel. As long as it appears dry and there is no strong odor coming from it, everything is fine. A doctor should only be consulted if the stump does not fall off within this period or shows signs of infection.

What to do if the navel is inflamed?

Symptoms of a navel infection can include redness, swelling, and foul-smelling discharge. If you notice signs of inflammation, it is important to see a pediatrician immediately. Usually, a topical antibiotic treatment is prescribed.

Using breathable cloth diapers that leave the navel exposed can help minimize the risk of a navel infection. Be sure to regularly check and clean the navel, especially after diaper changes.

Navel care is an important aspect in the first days of your newborn's life, and choosing the right type of diaper can significantly ease this process. With the tips presented here, you are well-equipped to ensure your baby has a healthy and comfortable start to life.

Judes baby crawling outside on stone floor with cloth diaper

Photo by @cafema.illustration

Choosing the Right Cloth Diapers

When you decide to diaper your child with cloth diapers, the next questions quickly arise: Which system is the right one? What materials do I need? How do I fold inserts optimally and how much effort does laundry take?

This is where Judes comes into play. We had the vision to make diapering with cloth diapers as easy as possible – and we've succeeded! With Judes, you don’t have to worry about folding techniques, special materials, or complicated washing processes. Because Judes are above all: simple.

How Judes Work

Judes consist of only two parts:

  • Inner Diaper: Made from 100 percent organic cotton, it is very absorbent, breathable, and skin-friendly. Its absorbency ensures it remains leak-proof for up to 12 hours, meaning you can comfortably use our Inner Diaper overnight.
  • Diaper Cover: The Diaper Cover acts as a moisture barrier. It is breathable yet waterproof.

Two sizes will last you through the entire diapering period – Judes can be used from birth up to a weight of 15 kg.

Changing diapers with Judes is also very simple: You take off the diaper, put the inner diaper in the diaper bag, and hang the diaper cover to air out. In the Diaper Bag you store the used diapers until washing.

Then you put a new diaper on your child – first the inner diaper, then the outer cover, and the diaper change is complete – very simple!

With flexible cuffs on the legs and back, Judes fit almost any child perfectly. They do not restrict your child’s mobility in any way and are leak-proof.

How exactly to wash your cloth diapers is explained in the article: How to Wash Your Cloth Diapers Gently and Hygienically.” Our Judes Family Care Detergent is perfectly suited for the diapers and can also be used for your regular laundry.

Judes cloth diapers bring numerous benefits:

  • Sustainable: Judes cloth diapers minimize waste and resource use, making them an eco-friendly choice – all with easy use and care.
  • Healthy Skin: The breathable materials of our diapers protect your baby’s sensitive skin and reduce the risk of skin irritations.
  • Early Potty Training: The moisture perception in our cloth diapers encourages your child's early interest in toilet training – an intuitive step for your child and less diaper use for you. Disposable diapers delay this developmental step as they always feel dry. This is one of the reasons why cloth-diapered children become potty trained up to a year earlier.
  • Less Time Required: Our diapers are designed for quick and effortless application, saving you valuable minutes each day. Washing takes about 15 minutes per week, which is significantly less than buying and disposing of disposable diapers.
  • Cost Savings: Long-term, Judes cloth diapers are a cost-efficient solution, offering a major advantage compared to the ongoing expenses of disposable diapers – simple and economical. Per child, you can save up to €3,000. If you use the diapers for more than one child or resell them, the savings become even more substantial.
  • Leak Resistance: Our specially developed inner diaper effectively prevents leaks, making diapering simpler and safer, especially at night. The organic cotton quickly absorbs liquid and locks it in. Disposable diapers absorb a lot, but not quickly enough, leading to more frequent leaks.
  • Hygienic: With the easy disposal of stool using Poo Paper and the machine-washable diapers, everything stays clean and hygienic with minimal effort.

At Judes, our goal is to provide you with the simplest cloth diaper in the world, so your family can spend more time together, rather than dealing with complicated diaper systems.

Conclusion: Mindful Navel Care Thanks to Cloth Diapers

Parenthood is a wonderful yet challenging phase of life that brings many new questions. The navel care of your newborn often takes center stage in the first few days. Our research shows that cloth diapers are not only an eco-friendly and sustainable choice but also offer significant advantages in navel care. They allow for better air circulation, are gentler on the baby's sensitive skin, and facilitate regular inspection and cleaning of the navel.

Furthermore, choosing cloth diapers is a step towards a conscious and sustainable lifestyle that benefits both your baby and the planet. Mindfulness begins with the smallest changes and extends to the larger ones. With cloth diapers, you make a choice that speaks to the well-being of your child and for a more sustainable future.

And we at Judes are here to support you on this journey.


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