Solutions for Leaking Diapers - Tips and Tricks
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Photo by @madame.vio
In many of my parent groups, the annoying topic keeps coming up: leaking diapers, especially at night. This is not only inconvenient because you have to change your baby every time, but it also makes you tense because you think the diaper will leak again soon.
Why do my diapers leak? Reasons for leaking diapers can include: wrong diaper size, poor fit, inappropriate changing routine, and slow absorption of liquid.
In this article, we will explain the causes of leaking diapers. We will address both cloth diapers and disposable diapers. Additionally, we will show you the best leak protection for diapers leaking at the back. In our tips and tricks at the end, we will show you more ways to make your diapers leak-proof.
Why do diapers leak?
To solve the problem of leaking diapers, we first need to find out the reason for the leaking. The following possibilities could be considered:
Wrong diaper size
One of the main reasons for leaking diapers is the wrong size. The size of the diaper ensures the optimal fit and provides perfectly sealing cuffs and sufficient absorbent material. Especially for newborns, the switch to the next size is often unnecessarily delayed, leading to more frequent mishaps.
With Judes, we have developed cloth diapers that are just as easy to use as disposable diapers. However, we have designed our diapers so that two diaper sizes cover the entire diapering period:
- Size 1 fits your baby from birth to 7.5 kg
- Size 2 fits from 7.5 kg to 15 kg
Improper fit of the diaper
Another crucial factor is the proper fit of the diaper to prevent it from leaking. For the perfect leak protection, even at the back the diaper should neither be too tight nor too loose.
For cloth diapers, the following guideline has proven useful: If you can slide two fingers between the diaper and your baby's tummy, it fits just right. Additionally, you should position the leg elastics well into your baby's groin.
Judes diapers make this particularly easy for you. With the Velcro fastener, they are infinitely adjustable and can be optimally adapted to your baby's body shape. The flexible cuffs on the back and around the legs provide additional protection.
Inappropriate changing rhythm
No matter how absorbent a diaper is or how well it fits, if you wait too long to change it, it will eventually leak. Therefore, make sure to maintain an optimal changing interval. This also helps prevent the development of diaper rash. During the day, you should change your baby at least every two to three hours.
Too slow absorption
The most common reason for leaking diapers is not the wrong size, poor fit, or infrequent changing. Generally, it's not that the diaper cannot absorb the amount of liquid, but rather that it simply does not do so quickly enough. So-called superabsorbers in disposable diapers can store a lot of liquid, but not quickly enough. Especially with sudden urination and large amounts of breast milk stool, the liquid simply beads off and shoots out of the diaper instead.
Judes, on the other hand, are designed to absorb liquid particularly quickly. The extremely dense material of our diapers is woven in up to 12 layers. Additional protection is provided by the elastic cuffs. These fit snugly as leak protection at the back and on the legs, ensuring that everything stays inside the diaper.
Photo by @madame.vio
Why Judes are the best choice
Not only do leaking diapers become a thing of the past, but there are countless other reasons to choose Judes. Judes have been developed to be just as easy to use as disposable diapers. Additionally, our cloth diapers offer more advantages:
Protect your baby's skin
Unlike disposable diapers, cloth diapers are free of chemicals and fully breathable. The inner diaper of Judes is made of 100% organic cotton. This is not only absorbent but also ensures good air circulation in the diaper. This helps to avoid unpleasant skin irritations, and you don't need unnecessary creams and ointments.
Note: The use of cloth diapers is not a guarantee that your baby will never have a sore bottom. Besides direct skin irritations, this can also be caused by complementary foods or teething.
Your baby will be dry sooner
Unlike diapers with superabsorbers, your baby receives natural bio-feedback in cloth diapers. The resulting wetness sensation lets your baby recognize a connection early on, which is important for development and becoming dry. Our study comparing disposable and cloth diapers has shown that children with cloth diapers become dry almost a year earlier on average.
Waste reduction and environmental conservation
A child needs about 5,000 diapers during their diapering time. That equates to about a ton of diaper waste if the child is diapered with disposable diapers. Looking at the world’s waste situation, all alarm bells are already ringing. A single disposable diaper takes about 450 years to decompose. However, plastic does not completely decompose, but remains as microplastics. By using Judes, you can help save our Earth. And it's quite simple.
Here you can find more on the subject of waste and sustainability of cloth diapers.
Tips and tricks against leaking diapers
Regardless of whether you use cloth diapers or disposable diapers, you might also be looking for the best leak protection for diapers leaking at the back. Here, we have compiled all the tips and tricks for you to make your diapers leak-proof.
Leaking diapers for tummy sleepers
Once your child can turn over, they might discover how comfortable it is to sleep on their tummy. For tummy sleepers, there is often the problem that night diapers leak at the front. There are various solutions for this:
- For disposable diapers, you can try folding the waistband inward on the tummy. This creates an additional barrier that prevents leaks. Alternatively, it is often recommended for tummy sleepers to put the diaper on backwards, so that the larger part of the absorbent area is at the front and urine can be absorbed more quickly.
- If you use cloth diapers, the use of booster pads is recommended. These absorb an additional amount of liquid, preventing the diaper from overflowing.
Penis pointing down
For little boys, you should definitely make sure that the penis is pointing downwards in the diaper. If it points upwards or to the side instead, leaks are inevitable.
Open bodysuit
To prevent pressure on the diaper, you can leave the bodysuit open or choose one size larger. This way, you prevent the diaper from being squeezed like a sponge by the pressure.
Too much absorbent material
Beginners with cloth diapers tend to overestimate the amount of absorbent material needed. "More is better" does not apply in this case. On the contrary, too much absorbent material prevents the proper fit of the diaper and thus encourages leaks.
This is one of the reasons why Judes are so simple. With the finished inner diaper, you don't have to worry about how many inserts from which materials you need to use.
Restlessness on the changing table
Every baby reaches an age when the world suddenly becomes too exciting to lie still on the changing table. Here are a few tips so that you have enough time to put the diaper on correctly:
- Play, sing, clap: Make funny faces, sing funny songs, and fully capture your child's attention.
- Have some toys ready that your child only gets to hold on the changing table, so they remain exciting and give you some time.
- Change location: If the changing table is too boring, try changing on the couch, the carpet, or elsewhere where your child has something to see.
Change of clothes
Make sure you always have enough spare clothes with you when leaving the house, in case something goes wrong.
Pre-washing cloth diapers
In order for cloth diapers to reach their full absorbency, they need to be pre-washed several times. With Judes, full absorbency is achieved by the 6th wash at the latest.
Photo by heymattallen from Pixabay
Leaking diapers or lack of leak protection at the back are common issues. Disposable diapers often cannot absorb liquid quickly enough, causing it to shoot out of the diaper. The wrong diaper size, a poor fit, or an inappropriate changing interval can also contribute to diaper leakage. Regular and correct changing can significantly prevent this problem.
Judes adapt to your child's body, preventing constant size changes. They are easy to use and extremely absorbent. They absorb large amounts of liquid in a short time, ensuring that everything stays in the diaper, even with sudden streams. The extra leak protection at the back serves as a double safeguard. With loose clothing and good pre-washing of the absorbent material, you can ensure that leak protection is guaranteed. Interested? Then go ahead, as you can buy our cloth diapers conveniently online.
Have you ever had problems with leaking diapers? Feel free to share your solutions with us in the comments!